Introduction workshop Mindfulness
Goal: introduction with Mindfulness, through a combination of theory and exercises, so you can experience it yourself
Set up: 1 session of 1 hour
Location: my home practice, in the area Schuttersbosch in Eindhoven, or on location at a client
Group size: 3 – 8 persons
Contribution: 25 euro; including refreshments and the use of material

Course Mindfulness
Goal: learning to focus through a set of simple yet powerful practices that you can incorporate into daily life to help break the cycle of anxiety, stress,
unhappiness and exhaustion. During the day our attention often goes to thoughts and concerns and we are not aware of that. You learn to step out of the auto pilot and to notice where your attention is. It works for those who are struggling to keep up with the constant demands of the modern world.
It helps promote a genuine joy of life.
The course is experiential and the exercises are guided meditations (you hear a voice giving instructions).
The exercises are practical and specific, you can do them sitting or lying down. The practicing itself is the most important
part of the course and requires daily commitment.
Set up: 8 weekly sessions of 1,5 or 2 hours (depending on group size) & a come back session
Location: my home practice, in the area Schuttersbosch in Eindhoven
Group size: 3 – 8 persons
Contribution: 375 euro; including refreshments and the use of material

Come back sessions Mindfulness
Goal: practice together (exercises and meditations of the Mindfulness course)
and sharing everyones experiences with integrating Mindfulness into everyday life.
Who can attend?: participants who attended a Mindfulness course.
Set up: 1 meeting of 2 hours.
Frequency: once in 6-8 weeks.
Location: my home practice, in the area Schuttersbosch in Eindhoven
Group size: 3 – 8 persons.
Contribution: 17,50 euro. This includes refreshments and the use of material.

Meditation sessions
Mindfulness & Compassion
Goal: meditate together (guided meditations given by the trainer) and sharing experiences.
The exercises are based on Mindfulness and Compassion (Heartfulness)
Who can attend?: participants who attended a Mindfulness or Compassion course or have meditation experience.
Set up: 1 meeting of 2 hours including a short break
Frequency: weekly in the morning or evening. Participants receive an email with planned dates
Location: my home practice, in the area Schuttersbosch in Eindhoven. Online participation is also possible
Group size: 3 – 8 persons
Contribution: 21 euro, including refreshments and the use of material

Sound & Silence
Goal: experience inner silence through meditation and sound scales. Pauzing together in silence.
Who can attend?: participants with some meditation experience.
Set up: 1 meeting of 2 hours.
Frequency: approximately once a month, in the morning or evening.
Location: my home practice, in the area Schuttersbosch in Eindhoven
Group size: 3 - 8 persons.
Contribution: 21 euro. This includes refreshments and the use of material.

Silence session
Goal: meditate together (both voice-guided meditations and musical meditations in silence)
and having lunch together in silence, without the need for the usual conversations; a special experience. A moment for yourself. Including pause together in silence which is a special experience.
Who can attend?: participants with some meditation experience who are open for “being in silence”:
turning inwards, searching for your inner silence and truly listening to it.
Set up: 1 session of 3 hours
Frequency: approximately twice a year
Location: my home practice, in the area Schuttersbosch in Eindhoven
Group size: 3 - 8 persons
Contribution: 75 euro, including lunch, refreshments and the use of material

Compassion course
Goal: compassion is the ability to make us feel involved with the pain and suffering of ourselves and others,
and to have the courage and willingness to do something about it. Anyone can make this ability grow by exercise.
Research has shown that there is a strong relationship between compassion and health, well being and defensibility by setbacks.
Compassion is also called Heartfulness: living from the heart. Exercises that are heartwarming because you are more kind
to yourself and to others.
Through practical exercises you learn to develop Compassion further and to apply it into your daily life; being kind to yourself and others.
You learn to see your “inner critic” (like a voice inside your head) that is constantly commenting on the things you do.
The (Self)Compassion exercises can help you to acknowledge the existance of the inner critic (instead of denying) ,
to see the positive intention of it and thereby noticing it sooner when it is or wants to be in charge.
Through Mindfulness you learn to Focus on things that really matter and to notice when your mind wanders.
Through Compassion you deepen your Mindfulness experience and it opens your Heart.
Who can attend?: participants who attended a Mindfulness course and who have integrated this into daily life
Set up: 8 sessions of 2 hours & a come back session
Location: my home practice, in the area Schuttersbosch in Eindhoven
Group size: 3 – 8 persons
Contribution: 375 euro, including refreshments and the use of material

Content: individual coaching by having conversations at my home practice in the area Schuttersbosch, or in the
forest nearby (nature reserve Stratumse Heide), during a walk together. To have moments of silence together or meditating
can also be a part of the coaching.
Goal: getting support when something is troubling you mabye regarding personal issues
that can cause you stress or other symptoms, which you want to share with a coach.
To get to know yourself better and accept who you are, focusing at your possibilities, in the here and now
and discovering your qualities.
Who can get coaching?: adults who are looking for support by a sparring partner
Set up: each session takes about 1 hour
Frequency: the number of sessions will be determined together
Location: my home practice, in the area Schuttersbosch in Eindhoven
Contribution: 45 euro per hour, including refreshments and the use of material