please allow me to introduce myself....

Mindfulness can help you to Focus on those
aspects that are really important and healthy for you.
Compassion is also called Heartfulness, and is an elaborartion of Mindfulness,
whereby the aim is to make contact with your Heart.
Therefore, my practice is called Focus@Heart.
Besides Mindfulness and Compassion, I also organize meditation and coaching.
Work experience
Through my extensive work experience as a re-integration counselor I came in touch with a lot of different people
with different backgrounds. I was able to supervise many clients to a new (volunteer) job.
Along the way, I became more interested in what drives people and what obstructs people to live their lives to their full potential.
I've worked for various organizations in various projects.
One of these organizations was the GGzE in Eindhoven, specialized in mental health, where I also started to work with groups.
As a professional trainer at the GGzE. I gave different courses to adults with Autism and their families.
One of these courses was Mindfulness.
Diplomas and certicates
Because you are never too old to learn...
2015 –
Additional scholing 'Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living' at 'Centrum voor Mindfulness', Amsterdam, certificate
2014 –
Trainers education 'Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living' at 'I AM', Gent, certificate
2012 -
Trainers education 'Mindfulness' at 'Rino Zuid', Eindhoven, certificate. With this specialized education I became a certified trainer in Mindfulness who is able to give courses in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness Based Compassion Treatment (MBCT) as an official treatment to mental health clients.
2010 -
NLP Master Practitioner (Neuro Linguistic Programming) at Theo
Bruekers, Belfeld, certificate
2009 -
Theory and Practice-course Autism at Tripode, certificate
2008 -
NLP Practitioner at Resperienced, Best, certificate
2006 -
Rehabilitation and mental problems, at
Stichting Rehabilitatie ’92, Utrecht, certificate
2005 -
IRB Trajectbegeleiding and –bemiddeling (counseling), module A
bij Stichting Rehabilitatie ’92, Utrecht, certificate
1996 -
HBO Personell & Organisation Management,
Hogeschool Eindhoven, diploma
1991 -
MBO Short education
Tourism, Sigmacollege Maastricht, diploma
1989 -
HAVO Rijksscholengemeenschap Den Hulster Venlo,