My practice
Mid 2013, I started my company, my practice named AandachtPunt. From 2017, the new name is Focus@Heart, with the focus on Mindfulness courses,
introduction workshops Mindfulness, meditation sessions, Compassion (Heartfulness) courses and coaching.
In addition, I work for various clients, such as the Volksuniversiteit Eindhoven and the Eindhoven University of Technology (Student Sports Centre). Focus@Heart.

Way of working: mostly meditation in small groups and sometimes individual clients. Personal attention, confidence and contact are important.
My vision
By becoming aware of where your attention is during the day, you can become more in charge of your life.
Often our attention goes out to the many thoughts in our mind and a lot of these thoughts are negative with a focus on the past or the future.
By focussing your attention you'll learn to make conscious decisions and enjoy even the small things in our daily lives.
“Being in the here and now", in the present moment.
You'll learn to respect your own boundaries.
You'll feel mentally and physically more vital.
I wish each of you a life full of loving and caring attention and consideration for yourself, for others and for your surroundings. Doings things in a mindful way can give you calmness in your mind and body. Inner rest and balance; to befriend yourself.

The following organizations have asked me
to organize courses and workshops for them:
Eindhoven University of Technology
- Students Sports Centre
Volksuniversiteit Eindhoven
Volksuniversiteit Valkenswaard
Volksuniversiteit Venlo
UWV Z.O.Brabant
FNV Brabant/Limburg
Additional cooperation
Angelie Marneffe
Annelies Spek
- head of the 'Autisme Expertisecentrum'
- author of the book 'Mindfulness bij volwassenen met autisme'

Frits Koster
- Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living (MBCL)

Erik van den Brink
- Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living (MBCL)